Antonio Cano

Physiotherapist and Osteopath

Hello! I'm Antonio, a full-fledged physiotherapist from Murcia. My journey in the world of physiotherapy began by chance that led me to study at UCAM. After finishing my studies, I went to Granada, where I not only found my calling, but also my wife, Inma. And of course, I ended up working with my father-in-law, Valentín, a true master of osteopathy. 

After spending 10 years learning the secrets of the human body and how to repair it, life threw me a curveball: a back injury. But what do you think? That injury became my best teacher, teaching me the importance of movement and strength exercise in recovering from any joint injury. You see, there is no evil that does not come with good!

Now, sport and food are my great allies both in my personal life and in my professional practice. Together with Inma, we have decided to undertake this new adventure in Murcia with our own clinic. Our goal is to offer holistic and personalized care to our patients, combining a good diagnosis with advanced treatments and the collaboration of different health professionals. So, if you have any ailment, do not hesitate to visit us. We will be here, ready to help you with a smile and, who knows, maybe with the occasional Murcian joke. 

Inma Gómez Marín

Physiotherapist and Osteopath

Hello! I am Inma, a native of Granada and a physiotherapist by heritage and passion. I grew up watching my father teach people with disabilities to walk, always explaining the importance of movement. Since I was little, I knew I wanted to help people with my hands.

After almost 10 years learning from a great physiotherapy and osteopathy professional, I decided it was time for a new adventure. Together with my husband, Antonio, we have moved to Murcia to open our own clinic.

Although now my great passion is ultrasound, my goal remains the same: to understand the body's balance and its ability to self-recover. At Nómada Clínica, we want to offer a holistic diagnosis and treatment, combining the most advanced technology with a team of health professionals.

We are waiting for you at Nómada Clínica, ready to help you with a smile, personalized therapy and all our energy to make you feel better as soon as possible! Because at the end of the day, your well-being is our greatest satisfaction.

years of experience
+ 0
Innovative techniques
+ 0
Success stories
+ 0
Medical degrees
+ 0
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